A People's Ecology
This book contains a series of essays by Native Americans, Hispanics, and Anglos dealing primarily with the diet and health of the native peoples of the United States and Mexico. Several chapters contrast traditional diets with modern-day fare and its accompanying health problems. Traditional healing practices, or curanderismos, are also treated. Other chapters cover the raising and marketing of organic vegetables, the preservation of biodiversity, permaculture, traditional building practices, and the psychology of space and place. The book presents important facts, stories, and opinions regarding traditional diet and health but suffers from a lack of cohesiveness and some of the repetition common to collections with multiple authors. Editor Cajete, a Tewa Indian from the Santa Clara Pueblo, is an education professor at the University of New Mexico. For public and academic libraries.ATim McKimmie, New Mexico State Univ. Lib., Las Cruces
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