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American Indian History Volume II

American Indian History Volume II

SKU: 4367

Widely used in university courses on Native American history through five editions, The American Indian: Past and Present has been thoroughly revised to present an up-to-date view of Indian heritage. This timely anthology brings together pieces written over the last thirty years—most published in the past decade—that represent some of the best scholarship available.

The readings offer a broad overview of indigenous peoples of North America from first contact to the present, showing how Indians relied on their cultural strengths and determination to retain their independent identities. These essays trace the ever changing situations of Indians as both tribes and individuals. They bring readers through Native victory and military defeat, relocation, mandatory acculturation, and militant protests to the present era of self-determination, when the meaning of Native identity is sometimes hotly debated.

Editor Roger L. Nichols has selected the new readings and organized the collection to reflect a balance of time periods, geographic areas, and historical and political topics for the student’s first exposure to American Indian history. He also includes suggestions for further reading and study questions as aids to those interested in learning more about the subjects covered.

A fresh update to a valuable classic, The American Indian: Past and Present remains an accessible resource for undergraduates and a flexible and authoritative set of readings for the instructor.


    Iroquois Museum

    P.O. Box 7

    324 Caverns Road

    Howes Cave, NY 12092


    APRIL: Thurs-Sat. 10 to 4; Sun 12 to 4
    MAY 1 - OCTOBER 31: Tues-Sat. 10 to 5; Sun. 12 to 5
    NOVEMBER: Thurs-Sat. 10 to 4, Sun 12 to 4


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