"Untitled" Roger Parish - 8003a
Roger Parish, Taioroniote “blue skies,” is Mohawk Nation Wolf Clan from Akwesasne Reservation. Roger is a printmaker, papermaker, sculptor and jeweler. His prints focus on the images from Iroquois wampum belts, abstracting figures or the entire image to reinforce the presence of Iroquois in American society. A number of his works feature the figures from the 1794 Canandaigua Treaty belt between the 13 United States and the Iroquois. High Quality Copy of original Print. Signed. 8"X10"; With Mat 12"X14"
Parish also transforms paper fibers such as gampi and kozo into simulated animal skins, and is perhaps best known for those which appear to contain an embedded tree. Equally popular are his unique wearable glass pendants which showcase the spectacular qualities of color and light. He is also known for his sterling silver and gemstone bolo ties and pendants.